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Friday 15 April 2011

Girls Beauty Habits

1. Applying Cellulite Cream

Anything that has to do with the word "cellulite" is probably a major turn-off for any guy out there. Therefore, asking him to help you slather it on to those hard-to-reach areas the next time you're feeling a bit flabby probably isn't the best idea.
2. Bleaching Upper Lip Hairs

We’re almost positive that guys don't want to know that you bleach the tiny hairs on your upper lip. We’re also pretty sure that he'd rather not have an image of you in his head with a mini mustache. This beauty ritual is one secret best kept from the male population..

3. Examining Facial Pores

Let's be honest, all girls do it. But does that mean that men should be kept in the loop? Keep the gory, hands-on details of how you keep your face blackhead/whitehead free to yourself. Men want to believe that your face is naturally that flawless-- not a construction zone.

4. Brazilian Waxing

Even if guys like the end result, they'd rather not hear a play-by-play of your latest Brazilian wax (or any waxing, for that matter). We’re pretty sure he doesn’t want to know that you lathered hot wax on yourself in order to painfully rip out tiny hairs in miscellaneous regions all over your body. What do you think, men?
5. Keeping Your Feet Callous-Free
After walking around in high heels all day, your feet can get a bit overworked and calloused. And keeping feet smooth and touchable is a much more involved process than any guy would imagine. Exfoliating, scraping, removing dead skin cells-- the whole process grosses even us girls out, so imagine how your guy might react. We suggest keeping the details about the lengths you go to keep the bottoms of your feet callous-free to yourselves--

6. Wearing Retainers

Certain men may turn to putty at the sight of their lover's smile, but picturing a retainer circa the 9 th  grade thrown into the picture? Not so much. Keep your teeth straightening device safe in an enclosed container the next time he sleeps over at your place. Retainers are one tool men aren't equipped to deal well with.
7. Mud Masks

Sorry guys, but these facial fixes don't exclusively exist in the movies. Women actually use them from time to time. But ladies, while men might appreciate your flawlessly glowing skin, we’re also pretty sure that he’d appreciate if he didn’t see how it got that way. Do your mud mask routine while he’s gone unless you want him to have reoccurring nightmares of the creature from the black lagoon.

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