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Wednesday 20 April 2011

How to Get Rid of Blackheads On Nose

  • Getting rid of blackheads on nose is not a hard thing to do. You just need a bit of research to be able to do it properly. But first, you must know the basics of blackheads. A blackhead normally starts out when oil secretions in the body called sebum is clogged in the pores. At first it appears white. This is called a white head. After sometime when the whitehead is exposed to the air, it oxidizes turning black in color hence having its name, blackhead. It is not true that the common cause for the blackhead is dirt. You should be capable to treat blackheads as early as possible because they are the frequent cause of acne.
  • You can do the most common thing that is done to remove acne, squeeze them. If you are capable to visit a dermatologist, do so, so that you will have expert treatment on the removal of blackheads. But you can also do things at home. The first thing that you have to do is to wash your face. After tapping dry with a towel, you can use a handkerchief on each of your finger to be able to squeeze the blackheads preventing slippage. You will effectively remove the blackheads with this but you should do it just enough so that there would not be any bleeding that will be happening. You can do further research on this online.
  • Another thing that you can do to get rid of blackheads on nose is to exfoliate them of. The good thing with this is that it will also allow a new layer of skin that will be smoother and clearer. There are a lot of over the counter products that are ready for facial exfoliation. But you must make sure that these products are safe to use by researching about the reviews for the product before utilizing it.
  • There are a lot of blackhead removal tools that are available on the market these days. You should do a bit of inquiry prior to using these tools. This is very important so that you will not experience bruising and further irritation of the skin. Another thing that you can do is to consult a dermatologist before using those tools. One of the most common tools that you can apply is pore strips.

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