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Thursday 14 April 2011

How to Take Care of Acne That's Under the Skin

Acne as most know can be due in part to a variety of different issues, the major one of course being that the pores get clogged with dead skin and oil, which help bacteria to grow. Once these pores are clogged there are things that can and will make the breakouts worse and that can be hormones, stress and bad nutrition. The kind of acne most are use to is the kind that protrudes through to the surface of the skin as pimples, whiteheads and blackheads. Another kind is the type that stays under the skin and is quite painful and are cyst like bumps under the skin. These are usually swollen and quite red and can be hard to treat. But there are things that you can do to try and improve the situation.

You should make sure that you don't wash your skin with regular soap. You need to get an antibacterial cleanser that you wash your skin with. This is a great way to get all of the makeup, sweat and any extra oils off of your skin while cleaning out the pores as well. Any left over makeup, sweat and oil can cause the acne under your skin.

You should also consider exfoliating your skin by using a good skin scrub. Since it's dead skin cells that help to clog pores then this will help you to remove those dead skin cells and will keep down the chances of developing those under the skin acne problems. You should probably use some sort of scrub two times a week.

Take a cotton ball and dip it into some sort of skin toner or astringent and put this all over your face. Toner can help to tighten up your pores and then will help you to maintain a nice chemical balance for your skin. Toners and astringents will also help to regulate the levels of oil production on your skin as well.

You might also want to include a deep cleaning mask that will also help with your acne problem that's under the skin. You should make sure that the mask that you pick is one that is considered a mud mask or one that contains citric acids. These are important ingredients in absorbing a lot of the excess oil your skin might be producing and will help to cut back on breakouts.

A long with all the different cleansing treatments for your skin you will also need to include an acne cream. This is a treatment that should have at least some benzoyl peroxide in it. This is an active ingredient that is able to get under the skin and reach those under the skin acne bumps. It will also help to get rid of the bacteria causing it and will help the skin grow new cells for new skin.

If you are looking for a way to draw out the pus from the under the skin blemishes you can do that by putting a hot compress on your face. The heat will be beneficial to drawing out the pus and will also aid in healing the skin.

You can also make a homemade treatment where you combine equal parts of baking soda and water and mix together and then apply this to your skin and let stay on your skin for at least 20 minutes before you wash it off. The baking soda absorbs all of the excess oil in your skin and at the same time it's helps to get rid of bacteria on the skin.

Make sure to drink lots and lots of water. Drinking a lot of water is going to help to flush out toxins in your body and this in turn will help to keep your skin healthy and hydrated. 

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