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Thursday 14 April 2011

How To Wash Your Face Correctly for Acne Prone Skin

Knowing how to wash your face good is a good idea for anyone's skin but it is an especially important acne treatment for your skin. Washing your face well if you are prone to acne is really important in what is called the T zones and problem areas of the skin where the pores tend to get clogged more. If you properly identify the type of face wash that you should use as well as avoid will be the first step in providing your skin with good care. It is also important to know how to wash your face as well as how often you should.

First, you need to find the right wash for your face. You need to buy cleansers that say they have salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide in them. The average ratio that should be in these cleaners is around two percent. Make sure to check the labels so that you know your cleanser has one of these ingredients in them. You will also need to make sure that you avoid any that seem to have an excess amount of oil in them. This will just clog your pores even more. Also you should try and avoid regular common soaps, these can end up over drying your skin and may cause even more breakouts of acne.

When washing your face you should make it a habit to wash it the very first thing in the morning and also make it the last thing that you do at night before you go to bed. As much as some say you should wash your face even more, it is not a good idea to use any acne clearing cleanser more than two times a day. If you need to wash your face more than twice then it is recommended that you use a generic type of facial cleaner that does not contain any oils.

Make sure that you check the temperature of the water. You need to make sure that the water is not extremely hot because that can be extremely unpleasant for you and your skin. The best is to use a nice warm water because this is gentler and still will open up your pores. Never use cold water. Cold water is simply going to close your pores and this will keep you from being able to do any deep cleaning of the skin and the cleanser will not be able to get into the pores to clean them out.

You can either wash your face with a clean wash cloth or simply use your hands. You need to try and stay away from any kind of abrasive pads and that would include loofahs. These things can irritate the skin and actually cause more breakouts and will leave your skin red and irritated. You can however use one of those exfoliating brushes for your face. But even this should only be used one time a day to get the better results. If you use a wash cloth, make sure you wash it on a regular basis.

Whether you use just your fingers, a brush or a wash cloth you should go in a gentle and circular motion and try to avoid the eyes and the area around the eyes. Do your best not to tug or apply any excess pressure to your face. You should wash your face in this manner for at least one minute making sure that you take your time to wash your entire face. When you are done you need to make sure that you completely rinse your skin and then follow this up with one of those oil free skin toners, then an oil free moisturizer and if you need to add some acne cream for spot treatments of the acne.

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